Michele W. @ WordPress has suggested the topic of “juxtaposition” for this week’s photo challenge.  The word itself, I’m sorry to say, leads me to compare my first language – English – with my command of the language – needs work.  I’m not sure I really have the concept of juxtaposition down, but maybe you can tell me.

Here’s what I came up with.

Metal posters displayed one next to the other for your viewing pleasure and to entice you to pick and choose.


Bright Light exhibit at the Discovery Museum in Cherry Hill, NJ.  A place where kids can experience science and nature and the wonders of the imagination. (Don’t think I didn’t participate!)

And last, but most certainly not least, me comparing myself to a new acquaintance, to see how successful my weight loss efforts have been.


Now you tell me?  Juxtaposition or just jibberish?

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wordpress 2014


  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge / B4 Retouch: Juxtaposition (Chapel) | What's (in) the picture?

  2. I’m not ashamed to say, wordsmith that I am, I looked it up. So no. Not jibberish. Perfection. Weightloss wise, that skeleton has nothing on you! I’m surprised when you go to Weight Watchers that the other clients don’t bombard you with half-eaten jelly donuts!

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition | Stefan Praetorius Naurin

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition | To Breathe is to Write

  5. Beautiful! Must admit i am the most drawn to the bright lights (i must have been a moth or something like that in my previous life) – would have enjoyed my imagination being surprised! 🙂

  6. You look great! I am trying so hard. I work out 4- 5-6 times per week including 1000’s of sit-ups/core/crunchs and my waist is getting bigger but my ass is tight? Can you explain that? I was reading about Spirulina today….

  7. You are one great looking lady Gemma and that skeleton can do with a few pounds. LOL!
    Great entry for the challenge hon and stunning shots! 😀 *hugs*

  8. Making science fun has to be a win win only wish it had been that way for me Gemma 😉
    Think you’ve a great collection here . Top marks for losing some pounds , you look terrific in those photos …

  9. Pingback: Day 14: Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition | Dublin + 1 picture = 365 days!

  10. Pingback: Caged |Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis & Me

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