His mom says he’s a goof.  I say he’s an adorable odd ball.

And what’s more appropriate for an Odd Ball Challenge than a five year old odd ball of fire surrounded by colorful plastic balls in a giant ball pit.

Now, ladies and gentlemen,  find waldo…

ballpit 1

That one was a breeze.

Now this…ballpit 2

OK.  That wasn’t all that tough either.  Still, a little odd. Wouldn’t ya say?

If you’re looking for more Odd Ball posts, stop over at Cee’s by clicking on the icon below.

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This is going to take some thought.  I have trouble remembering much of when I was little or even bigger for that matter.  Oh well.  Here we go…

Where did you live at age five?  Is it the same place or town you live now?

I lived in a town called Nutley, NJ.  (no jokes, please)  I remember we had to walk down a flight of stairs to get to the front door, so the apartment my mom and dad had was below ground level.  We weren’t there long, but that was the place when I was five.  It was pretty much right outside of NYC. Not huge, but not a one horse town either.  And don’t read anything into that.  I LOVE horses and small towns. 😉

You are invited to a party that will be attended by many fascinating people you never met.  Would you attend this party if you were to go by yourself?

Of course I’d go.  I am fascinated by fascinating people.  And they would be fascinated with me.  LOL  (but no Fru Fru dress.  Right, Pix?)

Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it?

Belleville, NJ.  Size wise, I’m not really sure.  I guess it was kind of big since I had to take a bus to school. It was right outside of Nutley – next town over – so also – not a one horse town. 😉 But mostly a poor one as I recall.  I know we were.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a writer and a teacher.  I ended up finishing high school, going to secretarial school, getting married at age 19, and working in an office for 25 years.  After that 25, I got ‘downsized’ and I’m not talking about my weight! Decided 47 was a good age to start college, graduated and became a teacher.  Now when do I become a writer?

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week?  Jeff being home from work for a few days.

Looking forward to?  Jeff being home for a couple of days.

gemma pinwheel

Since I don’t have any pix from when I was five, I thought I’d share this one. (It is Share Your World, right?)  I think I was two.  Check out the car.  (and the shoes AND THE HAIR DO – OMG!) Then check out Cee’s blog by clicking on the icon below.




Back with a Share Your World, hosted by Cee.  Read on then join in. 🙂

Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

Warren Buffett.  A have a few questions for him.  And a request.  😉   Seriously, I think he’d be a very interesting person to have sitting across the dinner table.  If he’s not available, or if they both want to come, I’d also invite the Dalai Lama

When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

I crank up the radio and sing in the car, when I think (hope) no one is looking.  I did this yesterday to Janis Joplin/Mercedes Benz.  I’ll bet I was a sight.  (like I care) 😉

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

I would like to be wildly and intensely creative.  I know I try my hand at a lot of things: musical instruments, photography, writing, crocheting, jewelry making, blogging, drawing, tangling – to name a few (and to display a few),

but I wish I had more of a natural knack for imagining.  My creative synapses are not firing at full capacity.  If there were a drug for this – other than LSD – I’d consider it.  I’m OK. But, of late, I’ve seen some amazing art.  Dang!

What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

The news.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week, I realized that I’m stronger than I thought.   I’m grateful for that.

The week to come – more strength.

Click on the icon and win a prize!  Nah!  But you will see some fun stuff at Cee’s.  Go ahead.  You know you want to. 😉



I’m obsessed with grapevine wreaths lately. There is a giant peace sign wreath a few towns over, hanging outside the window of a  beauty salon. I WANT THAT THING!  Today I got a coupon for 55% off anything in A. C. Moore. I will use it and I WILL figure out how to make one. 

imageThis is not that, and I’m not even sure grapevine is wood.  But I’m certain someone will let me know if I’ve erred in some way. I just thought it was pleasing to the eye. 

Stop by and visit Cee’s blog. You’ll find some amazing photos there.



Are you a hugger or a non-hugger?

I’m a hugger.  Unless I know you don’t want to be hugged.  Then I’m not! (I can respect that.)

What’s your favorite ice-cream flavor?

Toss up.  Mint chocolate chip and butter pecan.  I’ll take a scoop of each, please.

Do you prefer exercising your mind or your body? How frequently do you do either?


Just kidding, kinda.  I do a little of both.  Don’t want to get to crazy with either.  The old bones ain’t what they use to be and the mind, though a terrible thing to waste, doesn’t pick up on things too easily.  (Poor reading habits growing up. So now you know.)

Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? Why?

Although I live with both, I’d have to say I favor dogs, due to the unconditional love and all. (Does that sound needy?)

Rocky in recovery. ❤️

Rocky in recovery. ❤️

Phoenix. Dreamy. As most feline are.

Phoenix. Dreamy. As most cats are.❤️


Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am so grateful that our dog, Rocky is doing much better.  For those that don’t know, we had to have his left front digits amputated. (The Big “C” does not discriminate, the bastard!)

I am also grateful for my sister.  She is a wonder. Love you, sis.


The week coming up? Nothing in particular.  Just plain grateful.

Come share you’re world at Cee’s. Click on the icon below to get there, and thanks for the visit. 😉


Week two!?!? What happened to my week one!?!?  Time certainly do fly!

Anyway, there’s this new girl in town.  She is quite the partier and dresses for every occasion.  This was her New Year’s attire.  She was ringing it in in a jazzy fashion.  I’ve named her Abby.  After Abby Sciuto (Pauley Perrette) of NCIS.  They are both funky and avante garde.  (And I’m betting Pauley is a partier too. )

My neighborhood Abby has another get up on this week, but I didn’t get a shot of that one yet.  So you might be seeing more of her as she tends to dress for the occasion.  I’ll let you know when she slips into something more comfortable.😉

Meet Abby…

Abby Abnormal

Abby Abnormal

Party hardy, girlfriend!

For more on the theme of Odd Ball stuff, visit Cee’s blog by clicking on the icon below.

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