Can I be any later with this?  I searched and searched and searched.  I had no silhouettes. And then, today, I took my 90 year old mother and my ‘baby’ sister to Harrah’s Casino to play some penny slots – yes, look out Donald Trump – and low and behold – A SILHOUTTE OPPORTUNITY! 

We each lost $20 over a three hour stretch, but we all had fun.  Especially mom.  Click on her and you’ll get to some other silhouettes at wheresmybackpack.  Careful, she’s fragile, but feisty. 

Or, recognize anyone?  Even if you don’t you might want to visit these…


“Capture the Colour” Photo Challenge

A blogger friend of mine at adinparadise, nominated me for a challenge, and I am feeling totally stressed!  The entries need to be submitted by August 29, and seeing as I’m the queen of procrastination, it’s become apparent to me that I am going to have to relinquish my crown.  If I’m going to get involved in this cool project, I am going to have jump right on it, right now!

CAPTURE THE COLOUR – Sponsored by TravelSupermarket – a, yes you guessed it, travel site.

The rules say post 5 (if possible) photos to capture the colors blue, green, yellow, white, and red.  Sadly, it isn’t within my budget to travel the four corners of the world, so if you’ll bear with me, I will introduce photos close to my home and, in some cases, close to my heart.

Blue:  I found this blue mesmerizing.  The picture was taken at the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Jersey, while on a class trip – close to my home, close to my heart.

Green – If you live in or near Philadelphia, PA, you are more than likely an Eagles Fan, and you bleed Eagles Green.   I am a Philadelphia Eagle’s apparel fashionista and am teaching my grandson to follow in my footsteps.  Here he is in the  Eagles Green cap – close to my home, SO close to my heart.

Yellow:  This gorgeous sunflower is growing in my garden.  If you want to see the rest, just ask!  They are AMAZING! – close to my home.

White:   Near the Golden Nugget Casino, in Atlantic City, New Jersey,  parked in the marina, you will find the water craft of my dreams. – close to home, no where near any part of my person :-).

Red:  At Revel, Atlantic City’s newest casino,  you can sit beneath this humungous red lamp, and I did. – close to home…

Not well traveled, but I know my colors!

Now for the next requirement.  And the nominees are:





Mr. B.

Instructions for this competition can be found here.  Click, have fun, and good luck.  My friend, AD, was under the gun to get this out, which snowballed into me (and her other nominees) being under the gun, and now it’s crunch time for you.  Please forgive me for the short notice.  Do what you can.  Do what you will.  Just know that you were in my thoughts.


Jake at jakesprinters has presented us with a new challenge this week.  Distance.  Here’s a peek at the distance between me and Atlantic City.

And here is my grandson taking advantage of a little piece of equipment that will bring the distance in a little closer to him.  He’s checking it out…

And when he’s got it figured out, he’s reining that distance in just a little bit closer.

Not a bad view from where we all stand.

Sadly, he’s at a distance himself.  About 800 miles away in Georgia. Sometimes distance can be a good thing, but not when it comes to grand kids.

Click on the Flying Dragon to see more shots at a distance…

And in advance, thanks to all that take the time to stop on by.  Though you are at a distance, sometimes a GREAT distance, you’re attention, commenting, liking, and interest are very much appreciated.  The internet brings us a lot closer :-).



Philadelphia skyline

Rocky Balboa – Outside of The Museum of Modern Art

The next three photos grabbed my attention while driving the streets of Philly.

The following were taken by my son during one of his visits New York City.  I think he has a great eye for the art of photoplay. But then, I’m biased :-).

And last, but most certainly not least, my son’s gorgeous girlfriend having a little fun in the city.

For more of Urban photography, click  on the LOVE 🙂


This challenge turned out to be just that for me.  I come to find that I don’t have as many sunsets as I do sunrises.  I thought I could fake it and throw in a few morning shots, trying to pass them off as events of the eve, but all you’d have to do is read my About Page to know I’m on the east coast.  That puts the sun setting to the west, not the east over the Atlantic.  So truth be told, these are my actual sunsets.  Not a lot to go on, but always a pretty sight.  I’ll need to work on this…

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Thanks to Ailsa for the suggestion.  I owe you one, girl. You got me to thinkin’.  I need to get out of the house more. 🙂

For more beautiful sunsets, visit wheresmybackpack.  Enjoy…


Jake, at Jakes Printer, suggested the subject of black and white for this week’s Sunday Post.  OK, maybe there are hundreds of these out there, but it was the first photo I thought of when I read Jake’s post.

Here, from the Cape May Zoo, in the city of the same name, New Jersey, is my initial idea for black and white.  Surprised?  I think not.

Also appropriate for the challenge, and always in my thoughts, three generations of black and white.

Right to left: my husband, grandson, and son.


This because it was already black and white, with a touch of red 🙂

Thanks for the challenge, Jake.  To get a more in-depth look at black and white, visit Jake’s site.  You know the drill. Click on the dragon. (color edited for this post only :-))


IslandTraveler has suggested that we have one last blast before the end of summer and I couldn’t find a louder blast than that of a Thunderbird racing across the August skies.

Jeff and I headed to Atlantic City for the annual air show today.  Parking was insane! That’s twice in less than a week.  First Saturday at the Union Rally in Philly and now this!  We headed to the south end of A.C. and I envisioned dollar signs puff, puff, puffing through my exhaust pipes as we drove around looking for somewhere to park GumDrop.   Luckily, we finally found the perfect space only 4 blocks away from the beach. We parked, checked for tow away signs, and when we felt certain we were in the clear, we slung our beach chairs on our backs and off we went.  As we got closer, Jeff spotted some sky writing.

I didn’t see the entire message, but I believe it said Atlantic City Salutes the Armed Forces.  I was psyched!  We were closing in.

When we got to the beach, we positioned our chairs toward the back, with the idea of making a fast get-away when the event came to a close.  They were predicting nearly one million in attendance, so we considered that a pretty brilliant idea.  Until the heat got to us.  Phew!  Jeff suggested we walk down to the water to cool off.  Well, that did it!  We got there, looked at each other, laughed, and headed back to the chairs.  We grabbed those babies up and dragged them down to the water’s edge.  Best idea we had since we decided it was time for me to retire :-).  Get-away be damned!

We stood for the next three hours, watching World War II Navy Trainers barrel-roll through the air.  Thunderbirds  corkscrewed over and over, leaving thunder in their wake.  A Bi-plane took to the skies like a crazed crop duster.  The crowd ooooh’ed and ahhhh’d, kids covered their ears, and I watched Jeff, knowing how he wished it was him flying one of those giant noisemakers.

Sadly, my phone ran out of juice, so I didn’t get pictures of everything, but here are some of the best.  As best as you can do with a monstrous mass of metal making its way across the sky at ridiculous speeds.  Truly a summertime blast!

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Until next year…

Visit IslandTraveler’s site and enjoy more summertime blasts.  Thanks, IT!