Bob’s Challenge: Frameable Keepers Week 3

Bob, at Northwest Photographer, is sponsoring a challenge that I’ve participated in the past two weeks.  He’s a wizard when it comes to Photoshop and editing.  He’s given me some pointers and done a few adjustments on my stuff.  Normally, I’d be insulted, sensitive soul that I am.  But I’m looking to get better at this photo business, and Bob “gently” advises me, so I’m good with it.

The challenge is all about choosing a photograph you’ve taken that you’d like to see framed and hung in your home.  I’m looking to hang and frame.  Here’s hoping Bob’s still in a kind frame of mind. 🙂


I call this one Jonathan Livingston.  You’ve heard of him, I presume?


I am an introvert…

I love being by myself,  love being outdoors,

Love taking a long walk with my dogs and looking at the trees, flowers,

The sky

Audrey Hepburn

Thanks for visiting, liking, commenting, blogging, and sharing.  Your attention is greatly appreciated.

Bob’s Challenge: Frameable Keepers

Here’s one of my best friends. Rocky. I’m entering him into Bob’s Challenge, Frameable Keepers because I think he’s a beauty and worthy of being on display. Wouldn’t you say?


Bob has some incredible photos on his blog. Click on the icon and stop on by…



There’s a guy living in Oregon named Bob. I’m sure there are many Bobs in Orgeon, but this Bob is special. He takes a lot of very cool photos, and he seems very nice.  A friend of mine directed me to his blog, and the first thing I come across is a challenge!  AHHHHHH!  I am so not ready for another challenge since I can’t even keep up with the ones I know of now! But Bob’s seems fun too, so I figure, what the heck.  

Bob says he wishes to start a challenge for Sundays asking that you post a photo you would love to have framed and hanging on your wall.  Easy, right?  So today, while my husband and I walked Rocky through a nearby park, I clicked a little.  Here’s one of the shots I thought, “Now, that would look nice in the hallway.”  Whaddaya think?

Frozen lake

Drop by Bob’s by clicking on the icon below.  You won’t be disappointed.
