Not to seem superstitious, but the number 13 is a favorite of mine, so I couldn’t miss this one.

What was your favorite subject in school?

I didn’t like school – for a number of reasons.  This is a ‘sharing’ challenge so I’ll share.  I had very few friends in school.  Maybe my own doing, I don’t know. But it kind of spoiled school for me.  Later, much later, I attended college at the age of 47.  At that age you’re there for the learning, not for the friendships, so, then,  math was my favorite.  (I got your back, Gen).

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away” (George Carlin). When have you had such a moment?

No doubt, the birth of my son.

What’s your choice: jigsaw, crossword, or numeric puzzles?

Numeric puzzles, of course.  And I love, Love, LOVE Sudoku.  Every Sunday, Jeff and I go out for breakfast.  He has to have the Sunday paper.  I have to have the Sudoku.  We sit and reach our hands across the table,  my left resting on Jeff’s right, waiting for our order.  Jeff reads.  I do the puzzle.  Corny you might say.  I say Thank God.

If you found an obviously abandoned car with $50,000 in the back seat, what would you do?

As much as I could really use the money – Uncle Sam creamed us this year! – I’d have to turn it in to the police.  I’m such a nerd.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week,

That our taxes weren’t any higher!!  I’m paying taxes on money that I already paid taxes on!  ie: Social Security.  Come on. Really?  Yes. Really.  But it can always be worse, right?

and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Next week I’m off from my little caregiver job.  I can use the time off.  And if the sun decides to shine, BONUS!


 Click on the icon below to see more of Share Your World.


Thanks for stopping by.


It’s March 20, 2015.  It’s the first day of SPRING!  It’s snowing!  I will NOT share how I feel about that.  So…

List 2 things you have to be happy about?

I can’t even think of anything that comes before this.  I am grateful for my husband, Jeff.  For too many reasons to list.


And my other love, something that I will not say is my passion because I’ve complained about not having a passion, so I’ll just say it’s something that makes me happy, relaxed, and, yes, a little confident that there is still hope that one day I will have a passion.  My tangling.

March 2015 160

Zentangle – A happy thing.  Not a passion

Do you prefer ketchup or mustard or mayonnaise?

Mayo.March 2015 009Everything else gets HOT SAUCE!

If you were to paint a picture of your childhood, what colors would you use?

Black, mostly.

Do you prefer a bath or shower?

Shower.  Definitely!  No photos.  Don’t thank me.  😉

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week,  Having lunch with my friend, Gen.  I have very little adult, human contact (sad, I know) with  Jeff working away from home so much and with Gen living two hours away, so I’m always grateful when I get to see her.  We talk (a lot), and laugh (a lot), and share (a lot) and for that I am oh, so grateful.

March 2015 219

50 plus of friendship – what’s not to be grateful about

and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?  Easy.  SPRING!  The weather may not be cooperating today, but the word “spring” is out there now so it can’t be long.March 2015 260APlease take some time to stop off at Cee’s for more sharing and for a look at a sensation blog.  Click on the icon below.share-your-world2



This is going to take some thought.  I have trouble remembering much of when I was little or even bigger for that matter.  Oh well.  Here we go…

Where did you live at age five?  Is it the same place or town you live now?

I lived in a town called Nutley, NJ.  (no jokes, please)  I remember we had to walk down a flight of stairs to get to the front door, so the apartment my mom and dad had was below ground level.  We weren’t there long, but that was the place when I was five.  It was pretty much right outside of NYC. Not huge, but not a one horse town either.  And don’t read anything into that.  I LOVE horses and small towns. 😉

You are invited to a party that will be attended by many fascinating people you never met.  Would you attend this party if you were to go by yourself?

Of course I’d go.  I am fascinated by fascinating people.  And they would be fascinated with me.  LOL  (but no Fru Fru dress.  Right, Pix?)

Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it?

Belleville, NJ.  Size wise, I’m not really sure.  I guess it was kind of big since I had to take a bus to school. It was right outside of Nutley – next town over – so also – not a one horse town. 😉 But mostly a poor one as I recall.  I know we were.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a writer and a teacher.  I ended up finishing high school, going to secretarial school, getting married at age 19, and working in an office for 25 years.  After that 25, I got ‘downsized’ and I’m not talking about my weight! Decided 47 was a good age to start college, graduated and became a teacher.  Now when do I become a writer?

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week?  Jeff being home from work for a few days.

Looking forward to?  Jeff being home for a couple of days.

gemma pinwheel

Since I don’t have any pix from when I was five, I thought I’d share this one. (It is Share Your World, right?)  I think I was two.  Check out the car.  (and the shoes AND THE HAIR DO – OMG!) Then check out Cee’s blog by clicking on the icon below.




Back with a Share Your World, hosted by Cee.  Read on then join in. 🙂

Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

Warren Buffett.  A have a few questions for him.  And a request.  😉   Seriously, I think he’d be a very interesting person to have sitting across the dinner table.  If he’s not available, or if they both want to come, I’d also invite the Dalai Lama

When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

I crank up the radio and sing in the car, when I think (hope) no one is looking.  I did this yesterday to Janis Joplin/Mercedes Benz.  I’ll bet I was a sight.  (like I care) 😉

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

I would like to be wildly and intensely creative.  I know I try my hand at a lot of things: musical instruments, photography, writing, crocheting, jewelry making, blogging, drawing, tangling – to name a few (and to display a few),

but I wish I had more of a natural knack for imagining.  My creative synapses are not firing at full capacity.  If there were a drug for this – other than LSD – I’d consider it.  I’m OK. But, of late, I’ve seen some amazing art.  Dang!

What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

The news.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week, I realized that I’m stronger than I thought.   I’m grateful for that.

The week to come – more strength.

Click on the icon and win a prize!  Nah!  But you will see some fun stuff at Cee’s.  Go ahead.  You know you want to. 😉



Are you a hugger or a non-hugger?

I’m a hugger.  Unless I know you don’t want to be hugged.  Then I’m not! (I can respect that.)

What’s your favorite ice-cream flavor?

Toss up.  Mint chocolate chip and butter pecan.  I’ll take a scoop of each, please.

Do you prefer exercising your mind or your body? How frequently do you do either?


Just kidding, kinda.  I do a little of both.  Don’t want to get to crazy with either.  The old bones ain’t what they use to be and the mind, though a terrible thing to waste, doesn’t pick up on things too easily.  (Poor reading habits growing up. So now you know.)

Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? Why?

Although I live with both, I’d have to say I favor dogs, due to the unconditional love and all. (Does that sound needy?)

Rocky in recovery. ❤️

Rocky in recovery. ❤️

Phoenix. Dreamy. As most feline are.

Phoenix. Dreamy. As most cats are.❤️


Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am so grateful that our dog, Rocky is doing much better.  For those that don’t know, we had to have his left front digits amputated. (The Big “C” does not discriminate, the bastard!)

I am also grateful for my sister.  She is a wonder. Love you, sis.


The week coming up? Nothing in particular.  Just plain grateful.

Come share you’re world at Cee’s. Click on the icon below to get there, and thanks for the visit. 😉


I KNOW I haven’t done 50 of these, but here’s just a few more things you just NEED to know about me.

Do you have a signature dish? If not is their one in your family?

I am not the cook of the house.  I have no signature dish.  I don’t even have a consistent signature.  (Does anyone?) Jeff is the cook/baker.  I’d say his signature dish is his potatoes au gratin.  Just what these hips need.  Right?

Do you have a favorite board game?



Is there a household chore that you enjoy?

Chore and Enjoy don’t go together in a sentence.  So no!

 What is one thing you will never care about?

I don’t really know.  I’m a worrier and slightly (ahem) insecure, so I care about EVERYTHING!  (I really tried to think of something, but everything I thought of just made me say, “No, I care about that.” and  “Nope.  I really do care about that.” So If I think of anything, I’ll let you know.  If YOU care about that.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?  236

I’m grateful that our dog, Rocky, is doing better after his operation.  In the week to come I’m looking forward to more good news about his biopsy.  (Don’t worry.  He’s a trooper.)

Come play along with Cee here.  Share YOUR world…



What is your preferred hot drink: coffee, tea, water, hot chocolate, or other?





What was your favorite toy as a child . . . and now?

Tiny Tears.   I played with her til her arm broke off. Then I cried for a long time. She was real to me.

And now? I’d have to say my iphone and ipad, my pens and sketch pads. Not necessarily in that order.
Candy factories of the entire world have become one and will now be making only one kind of candy. Which kind, if you were calling the shots?

I’m with Cee.  Dark chocolate.  Preferably stuffed into an M&M shell

Would you want $100,000 right now or $120,000 in a year (tax Free)?

$100,000 NOW.  I could use the money at present.


Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

I am struggled with gratitude this week, I’m ashamed to say.  But I’m not giving up. I just need to regroup, adjust my thinking, keep calm, and carry on.

Join in on the sharing of your world.  I’m interested in hearing what’s up with you.  Click on Cee’s icon below and start sharing.



What are your favorite toppings on pizza?

No toppings, please.  Just plain and extremely hot!  I am such a pizza freak. I buy it and freeze it and it’s ALWAYS on hand!  A friend of mine turned me on to these pizza bags. Now life is perfect!


I want to learn more about …

…how to worry less.  Meditation? Exercise? Positive Thinking? Mind Control? Hypnosis? Ahhhhhh! I’m worried I’ll never get it!

What are three places you’ve enjoyed visiting?

Charleston, SC. Nashville, TN. San Fransico, CA.

Do you prefer eating the frosting of the cake or the cupcake first?

I’m not a big fan of cakes and frosting.  I prefer snacking on chips and dip, cheese and crackers, dry Cheerios, and PIZZA!   All of these include a glass of wine.  Yes. Even the Cheerios.  😉

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week,  mom feeling way better and actually sitting up long enough for me to whoop her at cards. 😉 and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?  Putting up and decorating the tree with Jeff home from work – hopefully. 😍

This challenge is hosted by and linked to Cee’s blog.


OK.  So I haven’t shared 45 weeks in a row.  Maybe there’s not that much to tell.  (Or maybe I just can’t keep up)  In any event, I’m sharing today, so, welcome to my (Cee’s) Share Your World.

What is your favorite color? 

Green.  Or any variation thereof…



In what do you find the simplest of joys?

Of late it’s…

finding a peace-filled moment

peace mug


Would you prefer a reading nook or an art, craft, photography studio?

Definitely A STUDIO!

ZENtanging - Very Zen. Very relaxing.  Very Untangling the brain. ;--)

ZENtangle – Very Zen. Very relaxing. Very Untangling the brain. ;–)


What is at least one of your favorite quotes?

” It always seems impossible til it’s done.”  ~ Nelson Mandela


A world of possibilities…

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, Time out for lunch with a very dear friend… and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?  Nothing planned.  Dull?  Maybe, but it leaves me open for surprises.

Join me and Cee and a cast of others at Cee’s Share Your World.  Click on the icon below to get yourself right over there.


Thanks for stopping by.  I appreciate each and every visitor.


If you could be a tree or plant, what would you be?

A big, strong, sturdy tree.



If you could have a servant come to your house every day for one hour, what would you have them do?

Someone please come do my blinds!  I HATE cleaning blinds.  I’ll take care of the rest.

If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?

Tough one. Right this minute, I’d have to say polenta and grits.

What was one of your first moneymaking jobs (other than babysitting or newspaper delivery)?

I worked for a supermarket chain when I was 16.  Checker. Back in the day, when you actually punched in the amount manually on the cash register ( no scanning) and had to count change in your head (no computers!)  OMG! And when you bagged, you didn’t put the cans on top of the eggs,  (Think about this: my first complete – yes I said complete! order at that store,  when I first married (at age 19) included everything from salt, pepper, aluminum foil, meat, fruit, veggies and more – came to under $43!   Yes. I am that old.) It was called Grand Union.  Don’t know if they even exist anymore. But I’d work there again if we could do it that way.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

I’m grateful for the opportunity to see family this week.  They live far and we don’t see them often.

Friday we are going to see Foreigner at the Borgata Casino.  An early birthday gift from Jeff.  I enjoy the singing, clapping, and dancing in my seat.  We don’t do that very often so it’s special for me. So I’m looking forward to that.

Click on the icon and win a prize.  Nah! Kidding.  But it will get you to Cee’s Share Your World challenge. 🙂