THROUGH, ah, yeah.  Bear with me…

I’ve been reading so many interesting and inspiring posts since I started this challenge and I’ve been dumbstruck by the talent that’s out there.  Who knew?  The photography.  The stories.  The TALENT!  All of it.  I will be forever grateful to Word Press for taking me down this path.  I always loved taking pictures. I’ve forever wanted to write and have someone besides myself read what I wrote. This is such fun and so amazing to me.  And now people are commenting on my blog and checking out my pix.  GET OUT!  Can you stand it?  Can I stand it?!?  Barely.

But then I say, “Look at Gerry’s slide shows.”  http://cobbies69.wordpress.com/  He rocks!  I wanna do that!

And liv.e  http://livestaban.com/ – She spins words like a spider spins a web.  I wanna write like that!

Now Cris.  https://fstopfantasy.wordpress.com/  What a flare for photography!  I wanna be just like him when I grow up! (Kidding Cris.  I’m probably old enough to be your grandma!)

But alas, I can only be me.  And I will have to accept that I don’t write like a poet, and I’m no Dorothea Lange ( I didn’t even know who she was til I started this challenge and did some googling.)  And I know that some think me obstinate and unyielding (That’s really just my delivery and I’m working on it, honestly.  I’m just taking the circuitous route.) But deep down, albeit, way deep, I am kind and, like Tacky (if you know children’s books), a good bird to have around.

So, I’ll go with that.  I’ll go with ME and try to live more by the words of liv.e.  She has a porch with a swing and beautiful attitude toward life.  I’ll have a deck with a rocker and I’ll work on the attitude, and bank on my sense of humor.  It’s a start.  Even at 60.  I’ll pull through with flying colors with a little help from my new friends.

And speaking of getting through, back at the hacienda… and thanks for waiting, by the way…

This poor munchkin was sitting in a cage at the Atlantic City ASPCA, gazing through the bars of his cage.  If I didn’t have a house full already, I’d give him a go.  I’m hoping someone did.  And I go on about my woes.

Shame on me.

Support your local sheriff, and your local animal shelter.  Even if it’s just to visit, and spread some love.  It probably gets those little buggers through another day.


Here I am, a day away from a new Word Press Challenge and I still haven’t posted last week’s entry.  Well, I’m nothing if I’m not a procrastinator, but I can’t chalk it up to that this time.  This one had me stumped.  I don’t know if it was worth the wait, but I’ll be darned if I’m going to let a week go by and not at least attempt to put picture to word.

This is a – ah – lamp at the new Revel Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City where my husband is currently working.  (Credit goes to him for the funky photo.  I just do the posting.)

I know those places have money to burn, but this thing struck me as a rather unusual bit of illumination.  Here I am, struggling to pay the electric bill and well…Must be nice…  Cha-ching $$$


CONTRAST…I can’t believe it’s March already.  But there it was.  The first week of the month and the daffodils were already showing their sunny faces.  The days have been warm and cold and warm and cold and, well, need I go on.  CA-RAY-ZEE!!  But I’ll take it. It’s been the strangest winter I’ve seen in a long time.  Things are changing, weather-wise,  no?  But there’s  nothing that perks the spirit, at least for me, like the first signs of spring.  The second I spotted these beauties, I had to grab my camera.  Just in case we have a snow storm in the next few days.  The ground, still hard and holding that look of winter, seemed in stark contrast to the bright green of the leaves and the brilliant yellow of the flowers.  Let it snow!  I have seen the first signs of spring and that will hold me over, just in case…



DiStOrTeD?  Contorted?  You decide.  All I know is that this just can’t be comfortable.

She can sleep in a car

Or swinging from a star.

She can sleep in a bed

Or standing on her head,

In the woods, or a park

In the light, or the dark

She can sleep in a chair

She can sleep anywhere!

