GHOST STORY – I ain’t afraid of no ghost!

Dawn, over at lingeringvisions is looking for a few ghost stories for a campfire jamboree she’s going to be attending.  The stories need to be for youngsters, ages 6 – 10.  Now I’m no big deal writer but I thought I’d take a crack at it. Here’s my contribution to Dawn’s creepy sleep over.  Have fun, Dawn.

The photo is hers.  Not mine.  I haven’t been camping in about 13 years.  So credit where credit is due.

And now, bring on the ghosts!


Jesse lifted himself off the ground and walked away from the campfire and the weird ghost stories that were being told. He didn’t believe in ghosts and he certainly wasn’t being frightened. He walked to where the woods met the campground and let his eyes follow the trunk of the tallest tree to where millions of stars dotted the night sky.
As he dropped his gaze and tried to adjust his eyes to the darkness in front of him, Jesse spotted what he thought was a dim light. He squinted and blinked, trying to focus as the object moved toward him. Thinking the darkness was playing tricks on him, he scrunched his eyes tightly. A slight gasp slipped from his lips when he reopen them and saw the young girl standing before him. He thought he could almost see the woods behind her through her pale ghostly shape.
“How creepy,” he thought. Then whispered, “Are you a (gulp) ghost? There’s no such thing as ghosts.”
The little girl held her hand out to Jesse beckoning him to follow. She didn’t smile or blink or speak. She just waited patiently for Jesse to make his move.
Not wanting to appear scared, but hoping that someone had followed him to the tree line, Jesse turned toward the campsite but he had wandered too far.
When he turned back, Jesse could see the girl walking, no almost floating, deeper into the woods.
“Hey!” he called taking one step further into the darkness. “Hey. Wait up.”
The figure continued, getting further and further away. Suddenly, she stopped and Jesse could swear she disappeared. He took two more steps into the woods when, out of nowhere, a very bright light glowed where the girl had been standing.
A voice rang softly in the distance.
“Help me.” The voice called. “Please help…”
The sound faded and the light went out.
Without thinking about his own safety, Jesse ran deep into the woods. When he reached the spot where he thought the light had been, Jesse came to a stop. He paused to listen but there was only an eerie silence. No girl. No cries for help. Deciding he had imagined it all, Jesse turned to head back to camp. Just then he heard a blood curdling scream and he knew he hadn’t imagined it at all. The sound was coming from him! Jesse knew that what he saw would make him a believer.
The next night, sitting around the campfire, Jesse told his story. Even though he knew no one would believe him.

I hope I didn’t scare you too much.  Click on the campfire and you can get to Dawn’s blog.  She’s got an awful lot of great photos to share.

And if you have a creepy story that would go good with a campfire, I’m sure she’d appreciate the contribution.







If you can’t bring yourself to pick up a piece of trash and chuck it into a receptacle, then at least don’t add to the mess!  I hope the sun is shining on you today and that you can feel the good all around you.  Seize the day, and some trash.



No.  Not “my” Jeff.  This is fictional Jeff.  He was created by a very talented blogger by the name of Allan.  Allan wrote a response to a story prompt that you’ll find here   and I would advise you to read it before you continue.  I’ll wait…


OK.  So after reading the story, I thought I would respond to Allan’s tale with my own version of “the other side of the story”.   He very graciously told me to have at it.

Now if you’ve read the story (I told you it would be a good idea to do that first), there is Jeff (the husband) and – the way I read it – Julie, the girlfriend, and Monica, the scorned wife.  I asked “my Jeff” to read Allan’s story and he agreed that the women’s roles could be switched.  But I’m going with Monica as the wife.  I should have asked Allan (the author).

Too many names? Are you dizzy yet?  OK well, chill.  Here’s Monica’s 100 word side of the story.  P.S.  Writing a hundred word story ain’t easy.

Trying to blend in with its rough, cold exterior, Monica pressed her back against the wall behind her. She stood watching from across the street. The wind whipped around the corner where she huddled to keep warm, but she knew it wasn’t the wretched wind that was causing the chill creeping up her spine. Earlier, she watched as Jeff made his way to the rear of the hideous building. Now, as she watched him cross the parking lot to his truck, she knew she should never have come.
Monica waited until her husband pulled away, pocketed the pistol, and headed for home.

Well?  What do you think?  Should I stick to doodling?  OK maybe so, but it was fun.  Sometimes something gets in your head and under your skin and you just have to get it off your chest.  (lot of body parts here, but you get my drift.)

March 2015 218

Thanks for coming this far.  Have a good week everyone.



Yesterday, Jeff and I took a ride to Valley Forge, PA.   It was definitely FUN.

vf cabin

We walked and walked and then headed to the car.  When we got back to the car, Jeff saw a cell phone lying on the hood of the car.  The phone was apparently dropped near our vehicle and someone was kind enough to place it where we could find it.  Thank you.  You are an honest person, whoever you are.

Unfortunately the phone was not ours.

I suggested that we hang on to it with the hope that the owner would call.

We waited a few minutes to see if anyone showed up to claim the phone.  When no one did, we got in the car and headed to Washington Chapel, with the phone in my pocket.

vf stained glass

While I was taking some photos with my Nikon, the cell went off. I reached in to answer but I couldn’t get to it fast enough and missed the call.  DAGNABIT!

We walked through the cemetery behind the Chapel and I snapped and clicked a little more when the phone went off again.  This time, I GOT IT!

The conversation went something like this:

ME: “Hello, I have your phone.” *giggle giggle*  (I’m such a dork!)

OTHER END OF THE PHONE: “Hi!  Oh thank you! What’s your name?”

ME:  “Gemma.  And you are apparently Don.  You got a few messages here, Don.”  *more stupid giggling*

Cut to the chase.

We met Don in the parking lot 15 minutes later and we reunited him with his phone.  He, insisting, gave us $40 saying it was well worth it.  We chatted a few minutes about there being kind people in the world – still.  Good to know.

We went into the chapel and deposited the $40 in the donation box.  The money is to preserve the historical chapel that is not federally funded. (sad face)

vf donation box

Easy come, easy go. 😉

On another note, Jeff read this morning that one of the Harrison brothers that plays for the University of Kentucky (the up-until-yesterday undefeated basketball team that, of course made it into the Final Four) made a racial slur about one of the opposing/winning team (Wisconsin) players.  There were also fires set by some Kentucky fans after the loss of their team.


I realize this is not indicative of all Wildcats and their fans but, let’s try to keep it civil!!  Just sayin’.

To those of you who celebrate the Holy Day…

vf chapel



Some of you may have noticed, I’ve taken up Tangling.  Zentangle is a fabulous, relaxing, confidence building pass time.  I was just reading a post by my amiga, Lisa, at Zeebra Design’s & Destinations.  And it’s true.  There’s always time for art.  If you have 10 minutes, you can draw or paint or start SOMETHING!  It’s calming.  It’s productive.  It’s FUN.

Here’s some of my art.  I never felt like I could really, REALLY draw, but I can.

burst of flowers 001March 2015 119March 2015 044March 2015 007hair 001peace sign 001March 2015 270March 2015 078March 2015 203

Take Time Out For Art…

But first stop at Lisa‘s to see the best of the best!


It’s snowing!  No kidding.  They finally (they being our illustrious meteorologists) got it right.  After many predictions that were, shall we say, slightly off (by a mile!) we are getting hammered.  So after finding out I don’t have to go and watch my little charges today, Jeff declares a road trip is in order.  I’m always up for a road trip, even in blizzard conditions, so off to breakfast and a perfect opportunity to record a Which Way Challenge.

Heading out the door…

Snow mar 2015A

Slip sliding up the road…

Snow mar 2015B

Snow mar 2015C1

Almost there…

Diner in snow

And, oh yeah, we made it!

Breakfast was yummy.  We watched the snow fall and the patrons slip sliding there way to their vehicles, and then home again, home again, jiggity jig.

Snow mar 2015E

And yup.  Those are my footprints walking (which way?)  away from the house because I forgot to get a shot of the fresh snow before I went in and had to come back out.  DOPE!

And for those of you who don’t get snow, or are enjoying the wonders of summer, here’s a little slo-mo-snow for your viewing pleasure.  Don’t worry.  I’m safe inside capturing this.

When you’ve had enough of the snow, head on over to Cee’s Which Way Challenge and join in the fun. Click on the image below.



’tis the season – perfect for a twinkle or two

Welcome to my home and a little of the twinkle that comes with the holiday and the spirit of the season.

Happy Holidays!

white wreathe


In response to the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge – Twinkle.  Click on the icon to see more on the challenge.

wordpress 2014

Thanks for stopping by. 🙂


“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” ~ George Eliot


Autumn in town…

Autumn at the Jersey shore… 😉

Any way you cut it, it’s a magical, mystical, marvelous time of year.

Ailsa is the hostess for this postess. Click on the icon below to breathe in more autumn.