Some people – kids in particular but not always – play.  Well, there is play, and there is PLAY!

My little friend is very serious about his building blocks.  So much so that he has named every piece and, along with his brother, builds by calling for the proper building block, while his brother hunts and pecks and delivers.  In the end, a fabulous structure, which is usually referred to as a hotel. 🙂   These two don’t fool around when they PLAY!

The Hotel Barclay

The Hotel Barclay

And, in the end, when the building is completed, we wave goodbye and drift on to the next excellent PLAY adventure.



Well.  We may need a little more practice with this one!

I hope you had fun!  Visit Ailsa’s blog by clicking here and see more people at play.


Focus.  Yeah, you!


So when Jeff and I got home from a Phillies’ game Friday night, and he backed the Kia up into the driveway, I was thrilled that I focused in on this critter just in the knick of time.  Somehow, without even realizing it, my husband came to a stop before destroying this magnificent creation. I was going to walk around the back of the vehicle, but  lucky for me,  Jeff had his foot on the brake.  The red glow illuminated the web enough for me to see it, stop, grab my phone, and focus.  Phew!

focus spider

 And, yes, he stopped right smack dab on the web.  Or did the web stop him?

Visit WordPress by clicking on the icon below and see what other photographers have focused in on.

word press


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pa top rt

A very dear friend of mine took me on an interesting jaunt.  Since we only met about 8 years ago when we were teaching at the same school,  I’ve seen little of her past.  She took me to her high school and to where she first taught.  I saw where family members call home and then – YAY – she brought me to a quaint shopping center in the middle of a lovely town in PA.   Sadly, with all that driving around, we let the day get away from us, and the shops were about to close.  We hurriedly purchased a few items, stopped in an ice cream shop and bought a frozen hot chocolate – yes an oxymoron, but that’s what they called it – and then off we went.

Now we are an unlikely pair, her being 39 and me going on 62, but a friendship we formed, and it is one I cherish.  Knowing that I love to blog and take a picture or two, she surprised me with a visit to the inn where she and her husband were married.

I give you the windows at Bridgetown Mill House.

I hope you enjoy these because I sure did!

Of course, the wedding was not held at this beautiful old, but crumbling building.  The festivities were held at the venue below.  But I was just beside myself when I saw the greenery mingling with the bricks, and the windows being overwhelmed by the trees.

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Click here to get to Dawn’s Thursday Lingering Look At Windows and many more wonderful posts.

Thanks for stopping by. 🙂


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Been to PA recently.  There are a number of which ways to use from where I am to there I am.   Here’s a few shots of the in’s and out’s of Philadelphia, in response to Cee’s Which Way Challenge.   There may be a little bit of blur.  Tough taking shots without getting out of a moving vehicle!

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Click on the icon below and head over to Cee’s challenge.






August leaves us wanting more

Blue moon on the rise

Breezing into September

This is certainly not the best photo of last nights blue moon.  Apple (iPhone) really need to improve on their night camera capabilities, but still.  A magnificent sight.

blue moon aug 20

August 20, 2013 Blue Moon rising from behind the trees

Now this was also a shot from yesterday – My son is a much better photographer. 🙂

Blue Moon delivery - August 20, 2013

Blue Moon delivery – August 20, 2013

Enjoy summer’s waning days, Fall is just around the bend. 🙂

(as an ex-school teacher, my life still works around the school calendar)

Happy blogging and thanks so very much for stopping by.


OK.  He’s not as big as a mountain, or as vast as the sky.  And Ailsa has two most beautiful photos of those right here on her blog.  Yes.  Click.  Right here!  But I think he’s a moth and if he is HE’S BIG!  (If he’s a butterfly, not so big, but I’m hoping someone knows the answer to that.)

Jeff and I went to one of our favorite breakfast spots (The Black Horse Diner), and there we found this big guy, with BIG ideas.  I mean, honestly.  Is he really going to read that whole newspaper all by himself?

I think someone out there knows what this is.  Maybe Jen, or Judith?  Maybe Russel?  Allan, Adrian? Gen?  (I would have linked back to your posts but I didn’t know if you wanted all the attention.  Let me know, and of course I will next time.)   🙂


EXTRA! EXTRA!  Read all about it!

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!

Intellectual Insect?

Intellectual Insect?

Click to get to Ailsa’s blog – wheresmybackpack – and enjoy the view.



Here we are again at Cee’s Share Your World challenge.  Only it’s Share My World, but you’re most certainly welcome to participate.  These are this week’s questions.  Come on!  Play along!


Which of Snow White’s 7 dwarfs describes you best?  Plus what would the 8th dwarf’s name be? (Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sleepy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey)

I was curious about this one so I asked my husband to be honest and tell me which he would choose to describe me.  He said, without hesitation, “Doc!”  When I asked why he said it was because he was so smart.  Good answer.  (Good try!)

I said Dopey.  Mostly because, well, let’s just leave it at that.  (Apparently Jeff and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum with this one.

The 8th dwarf:  Dazzle (Bling bling! – can you picture it?)

Would you travel into outer space?

Yup.  Funny because I’m afraid to fly.  Go figure.

If you were a tree, would you become a book or furniture?  Please describe.

A book.  Once I’m out there, decoratively covered and published, I could be around a long time.  Technology, e-books, Kindle’s, they can copy me!  I’d still be on someone’s shelf somewhere, looking all dressed up in my pretty binder.  I might get old and worn, but I would have been useful.  Kind of like I am already. 🙂

Which would you prefer:  a wild, turbulent life filled with joy, sorrow, passion, and adventure–intoxicating successes and stunning setbacks; or a contented bordering on happy, secure, predictable life surrounded by friends and family without such wide swings of fortune and mood?

Easy.  Wild.

share-your-world2CLICK ON THIS AND JOIN THE FUN!


This is in response to Michelle Weber’s WordPress Weekly Writing Challenge.  And no, I haven’t done this before, but I’ve always wanted to finish something I’ve started when it came to writing.  Well here it is.  Done.  You look at the photo prompt, write, link to WordPress, and voila!  Now THIS was a challenge!  I hope you enjoy reading as much I enjoyed writing (completing) it.




Maria sat listlessly scrunched between the turtle that had lost his shell and the horse she had secretly named Snow White.  Every day of the entire sweltering summer, she waited for Bobby to show up for work at her dad’s modest bodega. He would help unload the heavy boxes and stock the grocery shelves.  Maria’s dad could no longer lift and pull and stack and load after he had been injured in a fall last year.  He was big and strong then, but he looked different now.

Back then he would grab hold of the giraffe’s neck out in front of the store and run in circles as she sat on Snow White’s brilliant yellow saddle.  The ride would whirl with such great speed, causing Maria to hold tight with both hands and squeeze her knees against the horse’s barrel.  She would throw back her head and laugh until tears streamed across her cheeks.  That’s how fast Poppy would push.  So fast she could hardly catch her breath.

This was the summer that Maria fell in love with Bobby.   It was a pure and innocent love.  Bobby was like the brother she had worshipped before he went away to fight in a war she knew nothing about.  Nothing except that it took her brother, Marc forever away from her.

In the days before the war, Marc would help at the bodega every chance he had and he would twirl Maria around on the brightly colored carousel as much as time would allow.  But then he left. Momma tried to keep things going.  She tried to help Poppy the best way she knew how, but when Marc didn’t come back, momma got sick and had to stay in bed.  She was sad all the time and Poppy worked harder and harder each day. Still, he couldn’t keep up. And the carousel sat motionless as the days passed.

Fall turned into winter, then spring and except for the occasional spin it would get when someone walked by grabbing hold of the giraffe’s neck, the ride rarely whirled at all.

After Poppy’s accident, and with momma staying in bed most of the day, Maria would scrunch herself between the turtle and the pretty white horse a lot.  Things were so different, until Bobby came along.

From the first day at the bodega, Bobby grabbed hold of the ride and ran Maria in circles every chance he could.  She would hold tight and laugh and cry those same joyous tears.  Bobby would laugh, too. But then he’d need to get back to stocking shelves, or helping customers, and Maria would sit on the edge of the carousel, waiting for the next ride to begin.  She could hear Bobby whistling as he rolled the cart, burdened with boxes of colorful, fresh fruit.  It always seemed like he was happy, and that made Maria happy, too.

He made her almost forget how heartbroken she was. Almost.

Now the summer was a thing of the past.  School had begun and Bobby needed to be there instead of at Poppy’s bodega.  On his last day of work, he had promised her he’d be back to see her, but school had started a month ago and Bobby hadn’t returned.

Poppy was struggling to keep things together.  Boxes sat unopened.  Some of the shelves were bare.  He said he was trying to get some help, but he always had an excuse as to why he wouldn’t hire the boys that came looking for work.  Maria thought it was because he loved Bobby too, but she never said this to him.  If that was the reason, she understood.

Next year it would be Maria’s turn to go to school and then who would scrunch between the turtle and the horse? Since Bobby left, Maria had begun telling the animals on the carousel stories about Marc.  She told of the time the ride had been delivered to the store and asked if any of them remembered that day.  She reminded the tiger how he was Marc’s favorite and, how her brother had looked so silly sitting on the bright orange cat, his long legs dangling off the side of the carousel.  She asked the giraffe if he missed Poppy playing with them, and apologized for his absence.  She explained that he was busy, what with Marc and Bobby both gone.  She said she would spend as much time as she could with them because once she went to school, she didn’t know how often she would get to play.  She said she was sorry that Bobby wasn’t around to push them anymore, and then she cried.

Late in the fall and too tired to run the bodega alone, Poppy hired a boy to help. But Maria didn’t like him.  He never smiled and complained that the work was too hard.  He would wander out back more often than he should, and light up a cigarette while Poppy unloaded groceries and struggled to stock shelves.  Maria thought Poppy should fire the boy, but, then who would lift the heavy boxes and climb the ladder to stock things up high.  “Even bad help was better than no help at all,” she would hear Poppy telling customers who complained about the boy’s lazy ways.

Things were just so different.

Then, one day, while sitting on the edge of the carousel, scrunched between the turtle and the horse, Maria heard a familiar whistle.  She was sure it was her imagination.  In her child’s world, too much time had gone by and she had told herself he’d broken his promise.  Maria wouldn’t allow herself to think that the sound was real and that it could be.  But the whistle got closer and then there, rounding the corner she could see Bobby.  He smiled at Maria and gestured for her to hop up on Snow White.  Without hesitation and like no time had passed, she grabbed hold of the horse’s reigns and braced herself for a whirl on the bright carousel.

Click on the icon below to visit the WordPress Writing Challenge.



Not too long ago, Jeff and I made our wish-list-visit to the local cycle shop.  This was hanging in the back of the place.  It says it all.

A one Hundred year Heritage of riding with respect



This was mine – 10 years ago.  Those days are gone but the love of riding remains.

HHH is for Harely.


HHH is for Happy on a Handsome Harley 🙂

Click on the A – Z icon below.  It will take you to frizztext’s fascinating blog, and some of his great guitar sounds to listen to while browsing.

frizztext a to z


What’s more carefree than a child of three…

carefree at three

I don’t even remember “three” but I’m sure I didn’t have a care in the world then either.

Or even at five…


Do you recall the last time you had that “free as a bird”, “not a care in the world”, “it just doesn’t matter” feeling?  I hope, just for a few moments at least, these darling’s gave you that feeling again.

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Thanks to Sheri Bigelow at WP for the magical challenge.

Visit WordPress by clicking on the icon below.  Get a few more seconds of carefree.  Breathe…
