It always thrills me to see a new challenge pop up in my inbox.  I’m one of those people that needs a nudge and that’s what these things do for me.  Aside from the fact that I get to browse and visit other blogs which gives me the opportunity to live and learn, I get the push I need to get out there and broaden my photographic horizons.   I have a lot of livin’ and a whole lot of learnin’ to do.  Apparently I don’t take too many road pictures, so there’s work to be done.  In the meantime…

OK.  So the road at the shore is missing, but it’s there.  I promise.  Under all the rain that fell not too long ago.  And my husband took that shot.  Also, the last photo of our house, well, I have to give my son credit for that shot.  See what I mean.  Work to be done.

Visit Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge by clicking on the icon below.  And thanks for stopping by.
